Saturday, July 30, 2016
Pic(k) of the Week: Lake House in the biergarten
In a 'craft' beer culture awash with eee-puhs (IPAs), it's refreshing (pun intended) to find one well-made lager.* And here's one: Lake House Lager, on draught under a tent in the wonderful Bier Garten (beer garden) at Capital Brewery, in Middleton, Wisconsin, on 24 July 2016.
Capital Brewery was an early entrant in the 'craft' beer milieu, opening in 1986 (then known as microbreweries), a lager-predominant brewery for much of its three decades, although producing ales as well.
Its Lake House is golden hued with good carbonation and head retention; crisp with some DMS (dimethyl sulfide) —in non-geek speak, a corn-like flavor; off-dry malt tasty (with hints of honey and lemon zest); and it did "quench my thirst on a warm (humid) sunny day." 4.6% alcohol-by-volume (abv) and 18 International Bittering Units (IBUs).
But damn, I dislike beer in plastic. Under the heat of the sun, it always seems to pick up a rubber-like flavor.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Pic(k) of the Week: Pigtail pour.
Using a 'pigtail' coil, a brewer pulls a sample of fruit beer from a 'bright' tank.
A bright tank is a dish-bottomed pressure-rated temperature-controlled tank used to hold beer in preparation for packaging. The term "bright" refers to "bright beer," beer that has been rendered bright (clear) by filtration, centrifugation, fining, and/or maturation. [...] As many craft beers are not filtered or clarified, the beer sent into the bright tank may not be bright at all.—The Oxford Companion to Beer
But beyond artistic drama, why that 'pigtail' coil?
The beer in the bright tank was fully carbonated, under pressure. A pigtail's long length of narrow-gauge stainless-steel created resistance to the beer flow along its length, at a rate almost equal to the pressure in the tank.
If the brewer had simply opened the sample valve without this restriction tubing attached: good luck! With no resistance to keep the carbonation dissolved, the beer would have spewed out as foam. But with it: voila! The sample was poured with a minimum of foam, most of the CO2 remaining dissolved in the beer as the brewer had intended. (By the way, it's the length which accomplished this, not so much the 'pigtail.' The coil was there to keep the distance from the valve to spout within the brewer's arm's length.)
As seen at Jailbreak Brewing Company in Laurel, Maryland, on 26 July 2014.
Pro tip: the 'actual' name for this is a proof coil sampling valve. But saying pigtail is more fun.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
The hot hops of the U.S., 2016 edition.
Yesterday, I published a (brief and incomplete) synopsis of the just released hop reports from the Hop Growers of America and the Baarth-Haas Group. The former, the HGA report, listed the acreage devoted to each hop variety in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho— comprising the Pacific northwest, the region which accounts for 96% of all hops grown in the U.S.
Wanting a better picture of the individual hop variety winners and losers in the U.S., I 'spreadsheeted' together the results from the three states, with percentage gain or loss. Overall, aroma hops are up, way up. Bittering, or high-alpha-hops, are down.
Here you go:
Note that:
- Whereas Cascades, Centennial, and Citra (the new 3-Cs?) are the most grown, Azacca, Comet, and Sterling are the three hop varieties increasing fastest in acreage, by percentage.
- Even though the report reports on the vast majority of hops grown in the U.S., it does not account for those hops grown in the twenty-six states outside of the Pacific northwest. Based on anecdotal evidence, however, I believe that Cascades would make up the lion's share. Maybe next year, state hop-grower guilds could report their data?
- Where a hop is listed as "NEW," it might not be new, but simply not listed in previous years or be planted in trivial acreage. In fact, the HGA report does include acreage for "Other" and "Experimental" which I did not include here.
- Where a hop variety has an asterisk in the "% =/- 2015" column, HGA reports that there is some sort of proprietary BS involved (my words, not theirs), so the figures are probably off. "Limited data" means just that.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
The state of the American hops industry is strong.
The Hop Growers of America has released its hop acreage report for 2016, and the state of the American hops industry is strong.
In 2014, U.S. hops acreage grew 10.2%; in 2015, 15.4%. And this year, hop acreage was up by 18.5%, with 53,213 total acres planted, the most since 1915.
The Pacific northwest — Washington state, Oregon, and Idaho, in that order— which accounts for over 96% of all hops in the nation, planted 7,482 more hop-acres this year, an increase of 17% over 2015. Its 51,115 total acres represent a new record for the region.
The international hop broker, Barth-Haas Group also has just released its Hop Market and Crop Development Report for 2016. The data show that the United States is now the largest hop producer in the world. (Barth-Haas' acreage numbers are a bit smaller than HGA's. They show 48,933 acres for the U.S., up 16.7% over 2015.) Total high alpha hop plantings decreased 6.6% in the U.S., while aroma hop plantings acreage increased 26.1%, according to Barth-Haas.
The tense supply situation in the flavour/aroma segment should ease thanks to the considerable new acreage that has been planted for 2016 along with the maturing yields of prior years’ expansions. While the craft beer growth seems to slow down[emphasis mine] from double digits to single digits in the US in 2016 we continue to see lots of interest and growth in craft markets outside of the US. The supply of the high alpha segment has, on the other hand, become noticeably tighter over the course of the last 12 to 18 months as acreage reductions in the US have been and are being felt in the market.
Other statistics of note from the Hop Growers of America report:
- Washington’s Yakima Valley leads U.S. production with 37,475 acres, representing over 70% of the country’s acreage.
- Oregon and Idaho follow with 7,669 (15% of total U.S. acreage) and 5,971 acres (12%), respectively.
- 70% of the new acreage in the Pacific northwest is of high demand proprietary varieties.
- Cascade continues to be the most-planted hop, at 7,371 acres; Centennial, at 5,009 acres, has surpassed CTZ for second place with 5,009 acres. (Mosaic hops increased by the highest percentage, at 51.1%, to 2,717 acres planted, according to Barth-Haas.)
- A list of hop-variety acreage in the U.S. 2016 (excluding that grown outside of the Pacific northwest): here.
- 1. Michigan planted the most hops outside of the Pacific northwest, at 650 acres, an increase of more than 103%.
- 2. Then New York, at 300 acres, a 200% increase over 2015.
- 3. Wisconsin, next, with a virtual tie, at 297 acres, up nearly 75%.
- 4. Colorado has 200 acres under hop cultivation, an increase this year of 60%.
- 5. Next up is California, with 130 acres, up nearly 60% over last year.
- 6. Minnesota has 73 acres planted, over 180% more than in 2015.
- 7. Ohio is just behind, at 70 acres, representing a 40% increase.
- 8. Indiana farmers have planted 50 acres of hops this year, also 40% more than last year.
- 9. Iowa is at 40 acres, up 33.33% over 2015.
- 10. Tied at 10th for most hops planted (other than in the Pacific northwest) are Illinois, North Carolina, and Virginia, all at 30 acres.
The neighboring states of North Carolina and Pennsylvania have, respectively, 30 acres (but down from 40 acres in 2015) and 15 acres (up from 5.5) under cultivation.
YFGF's new home of the Deep South reported no hops. South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama: zero. Also little asparagus.
- Read the entire report at the Hop Growers of America: here.
- Read the Barth-Haas Group report: here.
- Compiled from the HGA report, a list of hop-variety acreage in the U.S. 2016 (excluding that grown outside of the Pacific northwest): The hot hops of the U.S., 2016 edition.
- * I'd expect the Virginia hops harvest to increase in 2017 with yield from Black Hops Farms' new 15 acre farm and modern hops processing plant.
- For more from YFGF:
- Follow on Twitter: @Cizauskas.
- Like on Facebook: YoursForGoodFermentables.
- Follow on Flickr: Cizauskas.
- Follow on Instagram: @tcizauskas.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Pic(k) of the Week: Summertime refreshment
Swam a leisurely lap there and back; then, poolside, hydrated straight outta the can. No glass allowed. A hometown Sweetwater Brewing IPA redolent of fresh tangerines and old-school London-gin juniper, chased by a spicy-dry finish.
These days in the U.S., an IPA (India Pale Ale) can be about just anything, just not much about India or pale, a definition modified beyond much standard meaning. Traditionally, however, an IPA has been an ale ...
characterized by high levels of alcohol and hops. It gained its name thanks to its huge popularity in British India and other outposts of the British Empire throughout the 19th century, as a result of its keeping abilities on long sea voyage and its refreshing character when it finally reached its destination.— The Oxford Companion to Beer: Oxford University Press, 2012.
On 25 June 2016, in Atlanta, Georgia, it was an IPA, new world style. I didn't mind. Summertime and the living tasted easier.
Labels: beer, beer review, definition, drinking again, Pic(k) of the Week, southeastern US
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Clamps & Gaskets: News Roundup for Weeks 25/26, 2016.

A bi-weekly, non-comprehensive roundup
of news of beer and other things.
Weeks 25/26
19 June - 2 July 2016
- 2 July 2016
In 1776, John Adams —Constitutional Convention delegate from Massachusetts and future American President— believed that the 2nd of July should and would be celebrated as American Independence Day, not the 4th as it has become.
—Via YFGF. - 2 July 2016
Nobel Peace prize winner, author Elie Wiesel ...the Auschwitz survivor who became an eloquent witness for the six million Jews slaughtered in World War II and who, more than anyone else, seared the memory of the Holocaust on the world’s conscience, died on Saturday at his home in Manhattan. He was 87.
—Via New York Times. - 1 July 2016
Economic stimulus. Quantitative drinking. Americans are projected to purchase $1 billion worth of beer over the Independence Day holiday weekend.
—Via USA Today. - 1 July 2016
The 141-day Battle of Somme, of World War I, began 100 years ago. On 1 July 1916, the British Fourth Army took 57,470 casualties, of which 19,240 men were killed, the French Sixth Army had 1,590 casualties and the German 2nd Army had 10,000–12,000 losses. By the end of the campaign, 18 November 1916, more than one million men had been wounded or killed, making it one of the bloodiest battles in human history.
—Via Wikipedia. - 29 June 2016
California's Lagunitas Brewing —in 2015, the nation's 6th largest 'craft' brewery— buys stake in three smaller 'craft' breweries: Independence Brewing, in Austin, Texas; Moonlight Brewing, in in Santa Rosa, California; Southend Brewery and Smokehouse, in Charleston, South Carolina, which will be renamed as Lagunitas brewpub.
—Via Chicago Tribune. - 27 June 2016
United States Supreme Court overturns abortion clinic restrictions in Texas —requiring clinics that provide abortions to have surgical facilities and doctors to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital— as unconstitutional.
—Via National Public Radio. - 27 June 2016
West Virginia flood was ‘one in a thousand year event,’ Weather Service says; at least 23 people are confirmed dead from the floodwaters.
—Via Washington Post. - 24 June 2016
Yuengling —the nation's largest 'craft'brewery— fined $2.8 million for Clean Water Act violations at its two plants near Pottsville, Pennsylvania. The company will spend $7 million on required improvements at the plants.
—Via Beer Pulse. - 23 June 2016
Ralph Stanley, bluegrass master and banjoist, National Medal of Arts recipient, has died at 89.
—Via Washington Post. - 24 June 2016
Originally published in 1990 and long out-of-print, "Lambic" —number 3 in the Brewers Publications' Classic Beer Style Series— has been re-released as an ebook.
—Via Brewers Publications (a subsidiary of the [U.S.] Brewers Association). - 23 June 2016
As of June 2016, there were 700 breweries operating in California, a record number there, doubling in only the last four years, and far greater than in any other state. Eleven of its breweries are among the nation’s fifty largest 'craft' breweries.
—Via Jay Brooks at Brookston Beer Bulletin. - 23 June 2016
British voters vote for "Brexit," to leave the European Union, by 52 to 48%. Britain had joined the EU in 1973.
—Via New York Times. - 23 June 2016
U.S. judge Gonzalo Curiel dismisses the lawsuit against MillerCoors that had accused it of deceptive marketing as to the 'craft' beer nature of Blue Moon. (Curiel is the same judge that is presiding over the lawsuit against presidential candidate Donald Trump over Trump University.)
—Via New York Times. - 20 June 2016
The full moon of 20 June 2016 is the first full moon to fall on the summer solstice since 1948.
—Via Chicago Tribune. - 20 June 2016
Guinness is a mighty global brand but there are signs that it is struggling to maintain its position as The Stout. In Britain, in particular, its popularity has been sliding for almost a decade: between 2008 and 2014 sales dropped by approximately 50 million liters per year, from more than 250 million to around 200 million.
Guinness responded to alleged changes to its recipe:There’s a number of elements we don’t talk about.
—Via Jessica Boak and Ray Bailey at All About Beer. - 20 June 2016
The scarlet letter of ‘craft’ is a moving target, an object of opprobrium seemingly chosen annually. Much scorned, corn and rice are as much evil adjuncts as sugar and fruit and pumpkin and breakfast cereal are. If anything, among those, corn might be the uber-traditional of American brewing ingredients. "Rethinking corn’s demonized role in beer."
—Via Stan Hieronymus at DRAFT Magazine. - 19 June 2016
It's a 'craft' beer cage-match in Colorado, as several breweries split from the Colorado Brewers Guild over a schism concerning the inclusion of Anheuser-Busch InBev and Breckinridge (purchased in 2015 by AB InBev); form new group called Craft Beer Colorado.
—Via Denver West Word. - 19 June 2016
Juneteenth celebrates the eradication of American slavery, 19 June in 1865.
—Via Smithsonian Magazine.
Saturday, July 09, 2016
Pic(k) of the Week: Hank Aaron at The Ted
Major League Baseball will play its annual All-Star Game this coming Tuesday, 12 July, in San Diego, California.
Nearly two thousand miles east, in Atlanta, Georgia, a statue stands majestically in the north courtyard of baseball park Turner Field. The bronze sculpture commemorates the moment on 8 April 1974 in which baseball All-Star Henry (Hank) Aaron hammered his 715th home run —breaking the long-held, long-thought-unbreakable record of Babe Ruth.
Aaron, playing in the 'Deep South' of the time, chasing and eventually eclipsing a hallowed record of a beloved player, had a career that encompassed the nobility of athletic prowess and the ugly obstruction of racism. When he retired in 1976, Aaron had played for the Atlanta Braves (originally the Milwaukee Braves) for twenty-one years of his twenty-three-year career. He would hit a total of 755 home runs, a record that would stand until 2007, when it was broken by Barry Bonds (a feat tainted by steroid use).
Aaron still holds the major league records of 2,297 RBIs and of total bases, 6,856. He was selected for the All-Star team every year from 1955 through 1975; he won three Gold Glove awards; he was selected the National League MVP in 1957 while leading the Braves to a World Series championship. In 1982, Aaron was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame with 97.83% of the vote. In 1999, The Sporting News ranked him as the fifth greatest baseball player ever; ESPN selected him as the fifteenth greatest athlete of the 20th Century.
Aaron's statue was paid for by his fans, sculpted in 1982 by a then relatively unknown Colorado-based artist, Ed Dwight, and erected at Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium, then home field for the Atlanta Braves. In 1996, Turner Field, colloquially known as "The Ted," was built for the Summer Olympics in Atlanta, just across the way. The following year, the Braves moved in. And the statue followed.
Sadly though, at the conclusion of this 2016 baseball season, the team will abandon the ballpark, moving twenty miles from the city. The Braves have commissioned a new sculpture for the new digs.
Hank Aaron, however, is not leaving; his statue will remain standing, bigger-than-life, in Atlanta at Turner Field.
Aaron was the physical embodiment of a generation of African-American major leaguers and best exemplified the potential for accomplishment that could be realized when presented with opportunity. Like [Babe] Ruth's magnetic personality, Aaron's new legacy extended beyond the arena of the playing field. Aaron's accomplishments made a case for what baseball and America could be. [...] "Aaron," said former Atlanta mayor Maynard Jackson, "was a man big enough for the job."— Charlie Vascellaro: Hank Aaron: A Biography. (2005).
Friday, July 08, 2016
Northern Virginia says goodbye to "a good beer guy" today.
In 1974, he began his wholesale beer career, flogging Budweiser in northern Virginia. But he would grow to know and love the upstarts, the 'micro-breweries,' and he would never look back.
In the 1990s, he signed as beer manager with northern Virginia wholesaler Select Wines, Inc. to develop a 'craft' beer portfolio.
There, he would guide small breweries through the difficulties of building their brands. He would convince skeptical barkeeps and store managers to stock those beers.
He would be the first to bring the beers of Sierra Nevada to beer drinkers of northern Virginia back when that California brewery was only beginning to grow into the national juggernaut it is today. And he would introduce other further-afield 'craft' breweries, such as Allagash, Abita, and Brooklyn Brewery). In the process, he helped establish a 'craft' beer retail paradigm.
He ... is Ted Curtis — a pioneer of the 'craft' beer business in northern Virginia. And, today, he'll be responsible for his final beer keg delivery. After forty-two years of bringing good beer to the people of northern Virginia, Ted Curtis is retiring. Beer lovers in Stafford, Fauquier, Prince William, Loudoun, Fairfax, Alexandria, Arlington, and Falls Church may not see his like again.
Ted Curtis spoke (and speaks) his mind; he's easy with a laugh; he plays a mean drum set; he's old school for a new world.
And he is my friend.
I’ve known Ted for almost 20 years now. He’s a good beer guy – and that’s a high compliment from me. I will miss his enthusiasm and good humor going forward. Have a great retirement!— Hugh Sisson, Heavy Seas Brewing (née Clipper City Brewing)
So you young'uns out there, never forget to respect all who laid down the foundation. Happy retirement, Ted A. Curtis! Thanks for joining me on drums one more time before your World Voyage, my good friend.— Jeff Wells, Global Brewers Guild
Ted Curtis is one of the people I have had the great pleasure of working with in my 21 years in the beer community of the Mid Atlantic. That is only half the number of years Ted has been on the scene...WOW! I can remember Ted hauling kegs for one of our festivals in his personal vehicle since the work truck was down for repairs. No doubt, Ted was a bit salty about it, but he relented and made sure we were taken care of, even though the tires on his Explorer were about to burst. That was Ted to a T. As our industry grows and the beer festival seasons grind on, there will be something missing with Ted not there to shed some good humor on us all. I wish him all the best in retirement. Cheers!— Bill Madden, Mad Fox Brewing Company & Taproom
In the "old days" of Allagash when I was getting started, I spent tons of time on the road in our markets doing ride-withs in all of our territories. I always looked forward to riding with Ted... I learned a lot from him, and loved hearing all of the classic stories from the beer biz that he had spent so much time in. Fond memories for sure... I'll miss him!!!— Rob Tod, Allagash Brewing Company
What can we all say about Ted? More than we can put here, I can tell you that.— Randy Barnette, Ornery Beer Company
Ted was an integral piece of where I am today in craft beer. During my early days with Hard Times Cafe back in 1999-2000, Ted helped introduce me to the amazing beers of Baltimore Brewing Company and Clipper City (it's still Clipper City to me.....sorry Hugh!), as well as learn so much more about what Sierra Nevada could be, beyond just Pale Ale and Celebration.....although those were damn great! That is of course how I came to know this man, Tom Cizauskas, as well as the ubiquitous Hoppy Jeff Wells. Just one big happy family.
The early days of beer dinners with Ted and all these guys was my indoctrination to what the craft beer community can be and has become. I've never worked with anyone so dedicated to his customers, so honest in helping them in any way. Now that all culminated into the opening of Ornery Beer Company. Ted has his mark here forever. Ted's dedication to craft beer will be sorely missed around here. I'm honored to call him a friend and damn sorry I missed the big retirement party!
Monday, July 04, 2016
What's the best American city in which to drink a beer?
Answer: Pittsburgh!
At least according to real estate brokerage firm Redfin, which has ranked the "15 best American beer cities for beer lovers."
And, it's fellow cities east of the Mississippi River which come out on top, at ten of the fifteen ranked. According to Redfin, they mix affordability, low beer taxes, and a high number of breweries per citizen. The state of Pennsylvania places twice, with the city of Pittsburgh as the number one city in the nation and Philly at number five. New York state, Michigan, and Ohio also double up. No cities in the southeast make the cut. (Huh? No Asheville, North Carolina?)
West of the Mississippi River, the state of Oregon is represented by Portland —maybe ground zero for American 'craft' beer— at the fifth position. Colorado is represented by Denver —which might argue that it is ground zero— at seventh. Living isn't exactly cheap in San Francisco; it places 15th, the only California city on the list.
Redfin says it calculated the rankings by first individually scoring fifty cities according to each of five criteria —
- The number of breweries in the city's state per 100,000 adults aged 21+. [Data from the Beer Institute. 1]
- The number of active brewery permits in that state. [Ibid.]
- State beer taxes [Data from the Tax Foundation.]
- The median home sale price in the city. [As calculated by Redfin.]
- The city’s Walk Score 2. [Ibid.]
- 1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 3
- Active Brewery Permits: 256
- State Beer Tax: $.08 per gallon
- Walk Score: 61
- Median Home Sale Price: $150,200
- 2. Buffalo, New York.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 2
- Active Brewery Permits: 294
- State Beer Tax: $.14 per gallon
- Walk Score: 67
- Median Home Sale Price: $125,500
- 3. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 4
- Active Brewery Permits: 177
- State Beer Tax: $.06 per gallon
- Walk Score: 61
- Median Home Sale Price: $190,000
- 4. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 4
- Active Brewery Permits: 291
- State Beer Tax: $.20 per gallon
- Walk Score: 61
- Median Home Sale Price: $190,000
- 5. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 3
- Active Brewery Permits: 256
- State Beer Tax: $.08 per gallon
- Walk Score: 78
- Median Home Sale Price: $240,000
- 6. Portland, Oregon.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 9
- Active Brewery Permits: 265
- State Beer Tax: $.08 per gallon
- Walk Score: 64
- Median Home Sale Price: $340,000
- 7. Denver, Colorado.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 8
- Active Brewery Permits: 330
- State Beer Tax: $.08 per gallon
- Walk Score: 60
- Median Home Sale Price: $355,000
- 8. Detroit, Michigan.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 4
- Active Brewery Permits: 291
- State Beer Tax: $.20 per gallon
- Walk Score: 55
- Median Home Sale Price: $162,000
- 9. Cleveland, Ohio.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 2
- Active Brewery Permits: 167
- State Beer Tax: $.18 per gallon
- Walk Score: 59
- Median Home Sale Price: $134,000
- 10. St. Louis, Missouri.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 2
- Active Brewery Permits: 81
- State Beer Tax: $.06 per gallon
- Walk Score: 64
- Median Home Sale Price: $170,500
- 11. Madison, Wisconsin.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 4
- Active Brewery Permits: 177
- State Beer Tax: $.06 per gallon
- Walk Score: 48
- Median Home Sale Price: $225,000
- 12. Long Island, New York.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 2
- Active Brewery Permits: 294
- State Beer Tax: $.14 per gallon
- Walk Score: 95
- Median Home Sale Price: $390,000
- 13. Seattle, Washington.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 7
- Active Brewery Permits: 352
- State Beer Tax: $.26 per gallon
- Walk Score: 73
- Median Home Sale Price: $440,000
- 14. Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 2
- Active Brewery Permits: 167
- State Beer Tax: $.18 per gallon
- Walk Score: 50
- Median Home Sale Price: $159,900
- 15. San Francisco, California.
- Breweries per 100,000 Adults 21+ in the State: 3
- Active Brewery Permits: 352
- State Beer Tax: $.20 per gallon
- Walk Score: 86
- Median Home Sale Price: $1,200,000
As with any such list, your mileage may differ and your hometown pride might be slighted. It's up for debate —cf. different metrics, different math, quality-of-life, beer culture, best beers, beer pubs, beer-savviness, you name it— but it's an enjoyable debate, nonetheless.
The Redfin team consumed many beers from all around the country in order to ensure the accuracy of the list.
Saturday, July 02, 2016
Pic(k) of the Week: Flags in window.
In 1776, John Adams —Constitutional Convention delegate from Massachusetts and future American President— believed that the 2nd of July should and would be celebrated as American Independence Day.
The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.
Why 2 July?
Because it was on 2 July, 1776, that the Second Continental Congress actually voted for independence. It would not be until two days later, on 4 July, 1776, that the body would approve a Declaration of Independence. And, it would not be until 2 August, 1776, that the delegates would actually sign the Declaration.
In 1855, a few years before he would become the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln wrote this:
Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid. As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it 'all men are created equal, except negroes.' When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes and foreigners and Catholics.' When it comes to that I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty — to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy.
Two days from now, on the 4th of July, 2016, the United States of America will celebrate the 240th anniversary of its independence. Despite efforts of latter-day nativists, the U.S. flag —the Star-Spangled Banner— "yet waves o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave," if unfurled on too frequent occasion with a mere breeze, rather than a strong wind.
Americans are expected to purchase $1 billion worth of beer over the Independence Day holiday. Economic stimulus; quantitative drinking. Over their 'craft' IPAs and industrial lagers, how many of them will be reflecting upon the implications of the 4th of July: in 1776, in 2016, and for the future?
- Pic(k) of the Week: one in a weekly series of personal photos, usually posted on Saturdays, and often, but not always, as today (except for an allusion in the final paragraph), with a good fermentable as the subject. Camera: Olympus Pen E-PL1.
- Commercial reproduction requires explicit permission, as per Creative Commons.
- For more from YFGF:
- Follow on Twitter: @Cizauskas.
- Like on Facebook: YoursForGoodFermentables.
- Follow on Flickr: Cizauskas.
- Follow on Instagram: @tcizauskas.