VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on an animal-free diet and its issues.
Quick links:
- Deborah Madison's new "Vegetable Literacy" is "must-have if interested in plant-based cooking," says Joe Yonan of Washington Post.
- It's not only fat and cholesterol in red meat that clog arteries. Researchers finger carnitine.
- How the food industry manipulates taste. Michael Moss, author of "Salt Sugar Fat," interviewed on National Public Radio.
- Why use egg in aioli, when mustard & garlic can emulsify? Recipes via Vegans Eat Pencil Shavings.
- Traveling to Indonesia to observe the fermentation of tempeh. Via National Public Radio.
- "The icing is coming off America’s cupcake craze." Via Notions Capital.
- What's the common ingredient between tabbouleh, bouquet garni, persillade, gremolata? Parsley! Via Washington Post.
- Recipe for Honey Roasted Radishes: "ridiculously delicious!" Via Dan Clapson of Dan's Good Side.
- "It's Spargel Season!" (That's asparagus, when in Austria.) Via Austrian Wine USA. Tips for grilling asparagus. Via Washington Post.
- Bees, 'fish' peppers, urban farming, & the African-American agricultural heritage. A discussion with culinary historian Michael Twitty, and founder and farm manager of Five Seeds Farm and Apiary in Baltimore, Maryland, Denzel Mitchell. Via the Kojo Nnamdi Show.
- Mushroom Stout Pie With Potato Biscuits. Via Post Punk Kitchen. Braised Cabbage & Kale Colcannon. Via YFGF.
- Why do humans cook their food? Via YFGF.
- The anti-Alzheimer, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric. Via Huffington Post. [And, by the way, it's tur mer rick NOT tumor ick!]
- The Food Editor of the Washington Post's Food Section 'comes out' as a vegetarian.
- Burkey Belser, the man who designed the FDA's nutrition facts label. Via Metro Connection on WAMU Radio.
- Recipe for no-yeast Black Pepper Beer Bread. Prepare in one hour. Via POP Sugar Food.
- R.I.P. Mick 'The Pirate' Kipp, creator of Whiskey Island Hot Sauces & Condiments. Via YFGF.
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