VeggieDag Thursday is an occasional Thursday post
on an animal-free diet and on environmental and ecological issues.
Because there hasn't been a recipe posted here for a while ...
... here, from the entertaining Chris Cooney of Cooking with the Vegan Zombie (with a few minor adaptations from YFGF), it's ...
Pan-Fried Tofu Strips
Yield: 12-16 strips
Time: 20 minutes (or overnight)
- 1) Slice a 14 ounce slab of extra-firm tofu horizontally into four thinner cutlets. (No need to press the tofu first.)
- 2) Grease a skillet with refined coconut oil (not unrefined: the smoking point is too low and the taste is, well, coconuty).
- 3) Turn stove to medium heat.
- 4) Place tofu cutlets on the skillet (one at a time, if small pan). Top with a pinch each of Kosher salt, fresh cracked black pepper, and smoked paprika.
- 5) Fry for 8-10 minutes. Don't burn!
- 6) Gently flip the tofu. Now, gently press down on the cutlets several times with a metal spatula to squeeze out excess water.
- 7) Top with a pinch each of cumin, chili powder, and dried basil. Optional: Add a doodle of red chile sauce, (e.g. Sriracha).
- 8) Reduce heat to just below medium heat. Fry for an additional 3-5 minutes. Don't burn!
- 9) Gently flip the cutlets over again and turn off the skillet. Allow the cutlets to sit several minutes until cool to the touch.
- 10) To firm the texture, cover and refrigerate the tofu cutets for several hours or overnight. Slice into into 4-5 strips per cutlet. Tasty as is, for snacking. Tasty as the 'meat' filling for a vegetarian Bánh mì.
Quick links
- 14 March 2018:
Scientists studying a remote and icy stretch of the North Atlantic have found new evidence that fresh water, likely melted from Greenland or Arctic sea ice, has weakened the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation —a key process that helps drives the global circulation of the oceans— by 15% since 2008.
—Via Washington Post. - 13 March 2018:
The State Department represents the United States at international climate talks. Mike Pompeo, nominated by Trump to head the State Department, is a skeptic of data showing human-caused climate change.
—Via Washington Post. - 26 February 2018:
Researchers at the University of California at Irvine reported that during February, the average temperature in the Arctic was greater than 36 °F above normal, the highest level ever recorded during the month of February. At the North Pole itself, the temperature reached 35 °F, more than 50 °F above normal.
—Via Capital Weather Gang. - 16 February 2018:
Trump signed legislation that repealed an Obama-era rule that had blocked coal operations from dumping mining waste into nearby waterways.
—Via Snopes. - 12 February 2018:
The Trump budget slashes funding for the bipartisan cleanup program of the Great Lakes region —source of 84% of North America's surface fresh water— by 90% from $300 million to $30 million.
—Via Detroit News. - 15 June 2017:
In 2015, when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) —a division of the UN’s World Health Organization— declared glyphosate —the active ingredient in Monsanto's popular herbicide RoundUp— a probable carcinogen, Aaron Blair —the scientist who led the IARC’s review panel on glyphosate— had access to data from a large study in which he had participated that strongly suggested that Roundup did not, in fact, cause cancer. Yet, Blair withheld that data from the RoundUp review panel.
—Via Mother Jones.
- More photos of Fried Tofu Strips: here.
- In communion with the fine people of Ghent, Belgium, #VeggieDag Thursday (DonderDag) is a series of occasional Thursday posts on an animal-free diet and the ecology. Why the name? Here.
- Read all the posts: here. Follow on Twitter with hashtag: #VeggieDag.
- Suggestions and submissions from chefs, writers, and home-cooks welcomed! Contact me here.
- For more from YFGF:
- Follow on Twitter: @Cizauskas.
- Like on Facebook: YoursForGoodFermentables.
- Follow on Flickr: Cizauskas.
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