For the next seven (or eight days), God tells us beer drinkers to abstain. Beer is tref, that is non-Kosher, for Passover.
And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened [without yeast] bread unto the LORD; seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread.Steven Frank, who writes on matters beer, published an article in the American Brewer Magazine in 2006 about what Kosher beer means, and how certification is obtained. And how, despite approval, beer is not Kosher for Passover.Leviticus 23:6
During Passover, some foods which are acceptable during the year are not permitted for the holiday, including fermented grain products from wheat, barley, oats, rye, and spelt.He goes on, however, to reassure us that, depending on the particular brand, many beers can be Kosher during the remainder of the year.Divine Approval for a Divine Brew
Steven Frank
American Brewer Magazine
7 April 2006
(original version reprinted with permission from the author)
Generally, malted barley barley and fresh or pelletized hops are not a concern, but hop and malt extracts, by nature of the extracting process, and any enzymes, colorings, flavorings, and filters have to be specially examined.
More than 50 kosher-certifying organizations exist in the US. One is the Chicago Rabbinical Council. Its website has a list of Kosher and Kosher-approved beers.
Wine, by the way (if strictures are followed), is Kosher for Passover.

Here's a recipe for vegan Matzoh Ball Soup: no eggs or chicken stock.
I used to "volunteer" (heh) to take a Jewish friend's beer from his house and store it for Passover. I usually got a bottle or several for my troubles. Thankfully, he had excellent tastes in beer, and it only amounted to a few cases.....