VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on an animal-free diet and its issues.
Vegan food bloggers: today, it's a special Tuesday edition of VeggieDag Thursday, because tomorrow, 28 August, will be your final opportunity to register your blog as a participating member of the Vegan Month of Food. That's Vegan MoFo.
From the website www.veganmofo.com:
It’s time for VeganMoFo, the Vegan Month Of Food, beginning September 1, 2013 this year!
VeganMoFo was originally created on the Post Punk Kitchen [by cookbook author Isa Chandra Moskowitz], as an homage to NaNoWriMo [National Novel Writing Month]. Because we do want to write novels, but sometimes cooking gets in the way. So why not combine them!
The idea is to write as much as you can all month, about vegan food. The blog entries can be about anything food related – your love of tongs, your top secret tofu pressing techniques, the first time your mom cooked vegan for you, vegan options in Timbuktu – you get the idea, right? If not, browse around on some of our round-ups and you’ll catch on fast!
There aren’t strict guidelines for how often to write, but the idea is to shoot for every weekday, or about 20 times in the month. If you’d like inspiration or would just like to whine about how hard it is, check out the MoFo forum on the Post Punk Kitchen message boards. We’re also on Facebook and Twitter!
More, from the Vegan MoFo FAQ page:
- Do I have to be vegan to participate?
Absolutely not! Anyone who wants to blog about vegan food for a month is welcome to do so. However, during MoFo we ask that participants keep their blog strictly vegan including all images. Yes, even if it’s not straight-up milk/eggs/meat. Also, yes, this means honey.
- My partner/children/friends aren’t vegan, am I allowed to mention this?
We aren’t going to vegan police your blog if you mention your husband eats tuna, but please don’t post pictures of said tuna. We had a few instances of people doing this in past years, and it was disturbing for people who were perusing what is supposed to be a 100% vegan blogging event.
- Do I have to post every day in order to not be kicked off the blog roll?
No! However, participants should aim for 20 posts during the month of VeganMoFo. Any blogs we notice without content, or are brought to our attention due to inactivity will be automatically removed from our feed.
YFGF will not be enrolling in the Vegan MoFo blogroll.
Why? Well, despite twenty-two years of living a meat-fish-fowl-free life and despite the occasional VeggieDag Thursday column, I write this blog about beer (and other good fermentables). Of course, as beer is, at its core, a fine, best-fresh, non-animal-based, fermented-grain liquid food, one might consider each YFGF post a post about vegan food.
But, at the very least, I'll be faithfully following along, contributing a vegan food story each and every Thursday in September.
- 5 September 2013:
Help publish Lucy Saunder's "Dinner in the Beer Garden."
Sign up and write. View and post photos to Instagram: here. View and post photos to Flickr: here. Follow on Facebook and Twitter.
Or just follow, and eat, along. Beginning Sunday, 1 September, it's Vegan MoFo 2013.
- Why the name VeggieDag? Here.
- Follow VeggieDag Thursday on Twitter: #VeggieDag.
- Suggestions and submissions from chefs and homecooks welcomed! Here.
Oh... but what about all those poor fish that get their bladders ripped out to make isinglass?! You could totally participate and write about "fish friendly" beer.
ReplyDeleteI joke, I joke.
Although not a constant veg only person, I'm a huge fan of vegan cooking. I'll follow the Vegan MoFo blog slide- thanx for the heads up!