Clamps and Gaskets is a weekly wrap-up of stories that I have not posted at Yours For Good, but that, nevertheless, I find interesting or germane.
Most are concerned with beer, or wine, or whisk(e)y. Some are not. But all are brief. And many are re-posts from my Twitter account:
This is Week 29:
26 July - 1 August 2009
- 2009.08.01
A take on Beer Wars Movie, and on paid beer writing vs unpaid writing (i.e., blogging). Summary: "It's the content, stupid!" - 2009.07.31
The Washington City Paper reports that beer-centric Birch & Barley restaurant and bar will open in Washington, D.C., in late September (at 1337 14th St., NW.) - 2009.07.31
#FollowFriday on Twitter: @MDbeerspotter spots good beer (not doctors) in Maryland. @CharliePapazian finds good beer throughout the world. / - 2009.07.31
Historian Maureen Ogle in the Washington Post on beer and race relations in America. - 2009.07.30
Now, the NY Times weighs in on Obama and The Beer Summit. Stop already! - 2009.07.30
CNN to interview patrons at Brickskeller in Washington DC about Obama's 'Beer Summit' beer choices. - 2009.07.30
photo of Maryland's Flying Dog Brewery in front of the White House supporting LOCAL beer: - 2009.07.30
A Beltway Insider's take on Obama's 'BeerGate' - 2009.07.30
Washington DC's Capitol City Brewing Company is featured in a Wall Street Journal piece on tonight's White House 'beer summit'. - 2009.07.30
A British writer discovers that beer can be just as delicious as wine, and more fun. - 2009.07.30
What elevation constitutes a mountain vineyard? (In US: it's whatever the vineyard says it is.) - 2009.07.30
Slate On-Line: "There is plenty of elitism in beer these days." - 2009.07.29
An analysis of Rate Beer vs. Beer Advocate. Both skew toward hard-to-find beers - 2009.07.29
Today's beer birthday belongs to Garrett Oliver, who is 47. Via the Brookston Beer Bulletin: - 2009.07.29
Microsoft and Yahoo sign 10-year deal to team up search engines. - 2009.07.29
A tribute to a beer guy you may have never heard of: The 'Beer Elf'- Gary Bredbenner. - 2009.07.29
@MDbeerspotter is a new Twitter account for mentioning good beer finds in Maryland. - 2009.07.29
Beers higher than 5.9% abv (and up to 12%) are newly legal in West Virginia. - 2009.07.27
A brief history of the National Capital Brewing Company. Located in the Capital Hill area of northeast, Washington, D.C., it never reopened after Prohibition. - 2009.07.27
Decanter wine columnist Michael Broadbent to sue for libel over book The Billionaire's Vinegar. - 2009.07.27
A majority of the US House of Representatives now supports B.E.E.R. -a bill to reduce federal excise taxes to half of the current level. - 2009.07.27
Beer-centric restaurant Rustico in Alexandria, Va. hires Steve Mannino as new chef; plans 2nd location for Ballston, Va. - 2009.07.27
Word on the street is that long-time Wheaton, Maryland, Scottish-themed pub/restaurant The Royal Mile Pub has been sold. It will remain open, however.

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