It's a special 'Wednesday edition' of VeggieDag Thursday: What is a vegetarian to do, tomorrow, when the turkey is brought to the table?
VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on an animal-free diet and its issues.
- The Washington Post has reviewed several faux meats for the Thanksgiving table: here and here.
- Great Sage Restaurant in Clarksville, Maryland, asks:
Are you preparing for a vegan Thanksgiving? Our blog would love to represent some of the delicious dishes you make. Send a photo and description of a dish (or more!) and we will feature you in a story devoted to Thanksgiving delights! Feel like writing an entire post? Even better, and you just may find yourself with a dessert on us!
- The Washington Post's Going Out Gurus have a short list of restaurants open on Thanksgiving, serving vegan meals.
- Beer book author Stephen Beaumont, Blogging at World of Beer, writes, "All You Need to Know About Beer for Thanksgiving" ... is "dry, tart, sparkling gueuze."
- Rob Kasper of The Baltimore Sun was Talking Turkey and Beer for the Holiday, in 2003.
- I offer my choice for beer at Thanksgving - saison- while Talking Turkey and Beer, also from 2003.
- Again, from the Washington Post, wine reviewer Dave McIntyre, refutes several myths about Thanksgiving and wine, when he asks: What do you pair with baloney?
- The New York Times' WELL blog has run a series of posts on vegetarian cooking for Thanksgiving.
- Tom Philpott, at Mother Jones, writes:
Here on the farm, we have a gorgeous crop of winter squashes in storage, and are still harvesting delightful hearty greens like kale and collards. I've been saying it for weeks now, and it's still true: leafy greens are at their utter peak now, as morning frosts concentrates their sugars and make them sweeter.
- From 2007, here's my Thanksgiving vegetarian menu, and, from 2009, my recipe for Veggie Beastloaf. Well, actually, that's seitan loaf with wild mushroom gravy.
- Isa Chandra Moskowitz —one of my favorite vegan cookbook authors— has posted her recipe for a Seitan Loaf, but with a leek and shitake mushroom stuffing.
- Even the breweries are joining the feast. Heavy Seas Brewing, of Baltimore, Maryland, has posted a few recipes for Thanksgiving side dishes. All but one are vegetarian, and all have beer as an ingredient. (Tip from Sandy Mitchell at The Original BeerinBaltimore blog.)
- Caveat lector: As a representative for Select Wines, Inc. —a wine and beer wholesaler in northern Virgina— I sell the beers of Heavy Seas.
- VeggieDag is an occasional Thursday post on vegetarian issues. Why the name? Here. All prior VeggieDag Thursday posts: here.
- Suggestions and submissions from chefs and homecooks welcomed!
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